This project contains tutorial materials for the extracellular RNA data analysis tools available on Genboree.
- Introduction to Processing Your exRNA Samples Using the Genboree Workbench
- Small RNA-Seq Data Analysis for exRNA Profiling Using the exceRpt Small RNA-seq Pipeline
- Long RNA-Seq Data Analysis Using RSEQtools
- Detecting Circular and Linear Isoforms from RNA-seq Data Using KNIFE
- Performing Pathway and Interaction Analysis Using the Genboree Workbench
- Performing Differential Expression Analysis (Fold Change Calculation) with DESeq2
- Performing Deconvolution Analysis for exRNA Data Using the Genboree Workbench
- General FAQ for Transcriptome Toolset
Please contact the exRNA Team (brl-exrna@bcm.edu) for more information on these exRNA Data Analysis Tools.
Administrator: Chen, David Kitchen, Rob LaPlante, Emily Pico, Alexander Rozowsky, Joel Subramanian, Sai Lakshmi Thistlethwaite, William