Introduction to CFDE GeneReg LDH
- The CFDE Gene Regulation Linked Data Hub (CFDE GeneReg LDH) facilitates access to excerpted information such as links and select key data from different data sources, which are made available to client services using RESTful APIs. Several services, including this CFDE Gene Regulation LDH, have been built on top a common LDH microservice foundation.
- The data model presented in the Gene Regulation LDH and this UI is over simplified. For flavor and illustration, here is the current state of the model being discussed to support the actual content envisioned (note: subject to change!)

Key Features
- Provides a permanent reference for inclusion as "supporting evidence" for variant impact on gene regulation (impact assertions/knowledge-statements to follow)
- Content will be exportable via RESTful APIs in JSON format.
- Stores "data entities", which typically are obtained from and characterized by external data sources, along with "excerpts" containing select relevant content.
- LDH "Subject" entities are related to "Linked data" object entities.