NOTE: The intention of this web UI is primarily to showcase the functionality of the CFDE GeneReg LDH API service.

Evidence (information) and Assertion (knowledge) for Regulatory relationship between Variants, Regulatory Elements, and Genes
The CFDE Gene Regulation Linked Data Hub (CFDE GeneReg LDH) data store leverages the reusable and extensible LDH API microservice codebase employed by the Milosavljevic lab to support select efforts.
( This UI is merely a wrapper around that API and was readily available via configuration settings due to reusability practices. Be advised that it should not be construed as an end user UI for a tailored CFDE Gene interaction experience. Furthermore, the current data model and content covers a test-case/proof-of-concept. )
Learn more
Explore the CFDE Gene Regulation Linked Data Hub
Lookup using identifiers
CFDE GeneReg LDH Stats
Entity Type | Count |
Allele Specific Evidence | 9,403,284 |
Context | 0 |
Defined Subpopulation Allele Frequency Evidence | 0 |
Encode Regulatory Element Evidence | 654,643,454 |
Gene | 18,701 |
Genomic Region Functional Effect Evidence Line | 0 |
Genomic Region Functional Effect Knowledge | 0 |
Mixed Population Allele Frequency Evidence | 0 |
Publication | 0 |
Rbp Regulatory Evidence | 937,116 |
Regulatory Element | 1,654,617 |
Variant | 228,349,033 |
Variant Functional Effect Evidence Line | 0 |
Variant Functional Effect Knowledge | 0 |
Xqtl Evidence | 4,437,453 |
Total | 899443658 |

- This test-case / proof-of-concept loaded CFDE Gene content into a dedicated LDH based microservice.
- The data model used to persist the content was simplified and not reflective of the planned data model, which is being finalized.
- Note: modeling the persistent store is largely a low-level and behind-the-scenes engineering activity which considers the hybrid database being used and LDH concepts for employing it.
CFDE Gene Content

- To learn more about CFDE GeneReg LDH content and how to access them, visit the Content and Access page.