How do I use the grid to create a List of Tracks? Assay Type vs Sample Type

  1. Go to
  2. Log in if necessary
  3. Click on the 'Workbench' tab or directly visit the Workbench
  4. Expand the Group that contains your Database of interest
  5. Expand 'Databases'
  6. Drag your Database into the 'Input Data' window
  7. Click the 'Visualization' tab and then 'View Track Grid'
  8. Select your 'X-axis attribute' - i.e. 'eaAssayType'
  9. Select your 'Y-axis attribute' - i.e. 'eaSampleType'
  10. Click 'Submit'
  11. Click the link titled 'Launch Grid Viewer'
  12. Select your desired tracks by single clicking individual cells or dragging your cursor over the cells
  13. Click 'Selections' -> 'Save Selections'
  14. Select the Group in which your Database exists in which you would like to output this Track List
  15. Select your Database in which you would like to output this Track List
  16. Enter an informative name into the text box to label this group of tracks
  17. Click 'Save Selections'

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