Prepare Your qPCR Data Archive¶
qPCR Data Files¶
- This archive is OPTIONAL.
- This archive is collected and stored in the Genboree database and are NOT validated. Submission of these files are purely for archival purposes ONLY.
- The data archive will contain all of your qPCR data files.
IMPORTANT NOTE - Preferably, each input file in your data archive will be linked to a sample in the RUN metadata file. You'll read more when completing your metadata archive.
- The files can be in RDML format or any other custom format of data files from any qPCR platform.
- It is acceptable for individual files to be compressed before being inserted into the archive.
- For example, your archive can contain .gz or .zip files.
Format of qPCR Data Archive¶
- The data archive's file name must end in _qPCR_data.
- For example, "" would be valid. So would "exRNA_qPCR_data.tar.gz".
- The data archive should have a compression format of .tar.gz or .zip.
If you need help creating an archive, please visit the Creating an Archive page.

- No folders are allowed in your data archive.
- Remove the special folder __MACOSX that is added automatically when you prepare the archive in a Mac computer.