Creating an Archive¶
- Your submission will contain two different archives: data and metadata.
- The directions below will provide some insight on how to prepare an archive on your computer.
- IMPORTANT: If you are creating your data archive on a Mac, please create a .tar.gz and not a .zip.
We have run into some issues with decompressing large zip archives that were created using the Mac archiving software.
Using GUI-based programs¶
- There are plenty of GUI-based (graphical user interface) programs for compressing data.
- Below are two commonly used programs that will allow you to compress your data and metadata archives into their respective .zip files.
7-Zip will also allow you to create .tar.gz files.
Using Command Line (Terminal)¶
- You can also use the terminal to create your archives.
- First, open the terminal and navigate to the directory where your files are located.
- EXAMPLE: if my files are located in "C:/Users/John/Desktop/Submission", I would use the "cd" command to navigate there.
- In Windows, I would type:
cd C:/Users/John/Desktop/Submission
- In Unix/Linux/Mac OSX, I would type:
cd /home/myHome/myDir/DataFiles/
Creating a .zip Archive¶
- After navigating to the directory above, I would compress my files by using the "zip" command with the "-X" parameter.
- The "-X" parameter is used to avoid saving extra file attributes.
- EXAMPLE: I am creating my data archive which consists of ten different samples, each ending in the .fq.gz file extension.
- I want to name my data archive "".
- In order to compress my files, I would type the following::
zip -X *.fq.gz
- Here, *.fq.gz means that I want to include all files in my current directory that end with .fq.gz.
- I would follow a very similar process in creating my metadata archive. There are only two differences:
- I would choose a different file name ("").
- I would choose a different file extension for the end of the command (*.metadata.tsv instead of *.fq.gz).
- IMPORTANT: if you have a spike-in FASTA file in your data archive, then you would type something like the following:
zip -X *.fq.gz mySpikeInFile.fasta
- Here, we are archiving all .fq.gz files as well as a .fasta file named "mySpikeInFile.fasta".
Creating a .tar.gz Archive¶
- The directions for creating a .tar.gz archive are very similar to the directions given above for .zip files.
- The only difference is the command you use to archive your files.
- EXAMPLE: If I wanted to archive 10 different .fq.gz files as well as a spike-in FASTA file, I would type:
tar -cvzf test_data.tar.gz *.fq.gz mySpikeInFile.fasta
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