FAQ#496 Version3

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How do I run / complete tasks on the Genboree Workbench?

Updated by Riehle, Kevin almost 11 years ago.

Category: Genboree Workbench Basics Difficluty: Difficluty2
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How do I Drag an object from the Data Selector window to the Input Data or Output Targets window

  • What data entities can I drag from the Data Selector window to the Input Data or Output Targets windows?
    • All data entities are 'dragable' that exist within the Data Selector window
  • How do I Drag a data entity to the appropriate window?
    • Left Click + Hold a data entity in the Data Selector window
    • Drag the data entity from the Data Selector window to either the Input Data or Output Targets window (all while holding down the left mouse button)
      • You will notice that the data entity icon will display the 'can't drop here' red icon
    • Release the data entity (release the left mouse button) when you see the data entity icon change to the green 'add here' icon

How do I Update the Data Selector window without Refreshing the entire Data Selector window?

  • Scenario:
    • Let's say that you have imported some Samples, ran a tool, uploaded a File, etc. You can click Refresh to update the Data Selector window, but that will collapse all open Groups, Databases, Folders, etc. We have provided a way to only refresh the Folder that you are currently viewing.
  • How do I refresh a nested data entity without Refreshing the entire Data Selector window?
    • Navigate to the appropriate Folder
    • Hover the mouse over the expansion icon
    • Double Click the expansion icon
    • Observe the update icon (it will be visible longer for folders with more content or if you are experiencing a network delay)
    • Observe the updated folder