How do I upload files onto the Genboree Workbench?
- Go to
- Log in if necessary
- Click on the 'Workbench' tab or directly visit the Workbench
- Drag the Database to the
Output Targets
- If you wish to create a new Genboree Database please visit the How to Create a Database FAQ
- Select Data » Files » Transfer Files
- Browse to locate the file you wish to upload
- (Optionally) Click 'Unpack / Extract File' if you wish to unpack a multi-file archive (more than one file) or wish to decompress your uploaded file
- (Optionally) Click 'Convert to Unix' if you have a single file that was created / edited in Windows or Mac that has non-standard Unix line endings
- (Optionally) Enter a sub-folder name (if you wish to organize your uploaded files within the 'Files' directory)
- (Optionally) Enter a file description
- Click Submit
- Log in if necessary
Output Targets
- If you wish to create a new Genboree Database please visit the How to Create a Database FAQ
Also available in: PDF