Description of Domains

Within each template, the domain column gives you information about what kinds of values can be provided for each property.
Below, we describe what each of these domains mean.


The autoID domain indicates that our server can automatically generate a value for the associated property.
However, in our case, we'll go ahead and provide our own values instead of letting the server generate the values for us.
You can just follow the directions in the metadata submission guide to learn more.

bioportalTerm and bioportalTerms

The bioportalTerm and bioportalTerms domains indicate that your value will be validated against the the ontology (or ontologies) listed in the domain.
Generally, the value won't be validated against the entire ontology - it'll be validated against a subset (subtree) of the ontology.
The best way to validate your value is to use the GenboreeKB templates provided for each metadata type.
You will learn more about this process when creating your individual metadata files.


The boolean domain indicates that your value must either be true or false. Note that true and false are case-sensitive - you can't put TRUE, trUe, falSE, etc.


The date domain indicates that you must insert a date. This date should follow a particular format: YYYY/MM/DD. Example values include:
  • 2017/04/13
  • 2016/01/01
  • 2016/03/12


The enum domain indicates a group of possible values for that property. For example, the domain might look like:
  • enum(Experimental, Control)
  • enum(Dog, Cat, Human)
  • enum(Add, Protect, Release)

The values inside the parentheses are the possible values for that property. If a property has enum(Experimental, Control) as its domain, for example,
then you must write Experimental or Control - any other value will be invalid. Note that the values ARE case-sensitive - you can't write experimental, conTrol, etc.


The fileUrl domain indicates that the provided value must be a URL directly pointing to a file of some kind. This URL must be complete. Example values include:

For any required properties, our metadata submission guide will give specific directions on how to fill out values for properties with this domain.


The float domain indicates that you must insert an float (integer / decimal) value for that property. Example values include:
  • 5
  • -91431432.51234
  • 0.01


The floatRange domain specifics an (inclusive) float (decimal / integer) range under which your value must fall. For example, the domain might look like:
*floatRange(-5, 9)
*floatRange(0, 100.01)

So, if my domain is floatRange(-5,9), I can put any value between -5 and 9 (inclusive). This could be -5, -1.2, 0, 8.59, 9, or many other values.


The gbAccount domain indicates that the provided value should be a Genboree account name.
We will then automatically use that account name to fill in associated information.


The int domain indicates that you must insert an integer value for that property. Example values include:
  • 5
  • -91431432
  • 0


The intRange domain specifics an (inclusive) integer range under which your value must fall. For example, the domain might look like:
*intRange(5, 9)
*intRange(0, 100)

So, if my domain is intRange(5,9), that means my value must be 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9.


The labelUrl domain specifies a label and then a URL associated with that label. The formatting looks like: label|URL. Your URL can be relative or complete. Some example values include:

This domain can be useful because it supplies information to us about how a given website should be labeled.


The measurement domain indicates that you must insert a number followed by a valid measurement unit. For example, the domain might look like:
  • measurement(years)
  • measurement(nm)
  • measurement(days)

For a given measurement, we accept the listed unit (years) as well as any comparable (inter-convertible) units, like days, months, hours, etc.
Thus, if a property has measurement(years) as its domain, then you could write 10 years, 5 days, 3 months, 2 hours, etc. It should be a specific number and not a range.


The numItems domain indicates that the associated property is an item list. The value for the property will be the number of items in the item list.
For example, imagine I have a property, * Authors, which is an item list, and it has 5 items (*- Author Name). This means the value for the * Authors property will be 5.
We actually automatically update the value for any property with the numItems domain, so you can leave the value blank if you want.


The negFloat domain indicates that you must insert a negative float (integer / decimal) value for that property. You can also put 0. Example values include:
  • -5
  • -91431432.51234
  • -0.01


The negInt domain indicates that you must insert a negative integer value (or 0) for that property. Example values include:
  • -5
  • -91431432
  • 0


The omim domain indicates that the value must be an ID from the OMIM database at
We will then automatically use that ID to fill in associated information for that reference.


The pmid domain indicates that the value must be an ID from the PubMed database at
We will then automatically use that ID to fill in associated information for that publication.


The posFloat domain indicates that you must insert a positive float (integer / decimal) value for that property. You can also put 0. Example values include:
  • 5
  • 91431432.51234
  • 0.01


The posInt domain indicates that you must insert a positive integer value (or 0) for that property. Example values include:
  • 5
  • 91431432
  • 0


The regexp domain indicates that any value for the domain must meet the specified regular expression. Example domains include:
  • regexp(EXR-[A-Z0-9]{6}-SUB)
  • regexp(EXR-[A-Z0-9]{6}-PI)
  • regexp(EXR-[a-zA-Z0-9]{6,}-ST)

These domains might look complicated, but our metadata submission guide will give specific directions on how to fill out values for required properties with this domain.


The string domain indicates that any text is acceptable (letters, numbers, etc.). Example values include:
  • William Thistlethwaite
  • 783123421
  • Biomarker GD9103XZ*_*593

As you can see, you can pretty much put anything!


The timestamp domain indicates that you must insert a timestamp. This timestamp should follow a particular format: YYYY/MM/DD XX:XX AM/PM. Example values include:
  • 2017/04/13 09:30 AM
  • 2016/01/01 12:12 PM
  • 2016/03/12 12:15 AM


The url domain indicates that some kind of URL must be provided as a value. This URL can either be complete or relative. Example values include:

The first example above is a relative URL, while the second example is a complete URL.
For any required properties, our metadata submission guide will give specific directions on how to fill out values for properties with this domain.


The [valueless] domain indicates that you cannot insert a value for that property (it must remain blank).
These kinds of properties are used as section headers, for the most part.
The property name describes the content of the subproperties nested below - thus, it's not necessary to provide a value for the property.

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