Mapping of Left Ventricle H3K4me3 ChIP-Seq Data
Illumina reads produced by H3K4me3 ChIP-Seq on Left Ventricle, Donor STL001, were mapped to the human genome using Pash.
Project News:
2012/7/9: ANALYSIS XML file 'ucsd.chip-seq.level.1.xml' uploaded
alias: renlab.H3K4me3.STL001LV.01.01.hg19.level.1.release.8
Analysis Center: EDACC Analysis File Type: .bed Analysis File Name: UCSD.Left_Ventricle.H3K4me3.STL001.bed DATA_ANALYSIS_LEVEL: 1 EXPERIMENT_TYPE: ChIP-Seq GENOME_ASSEMBLY: NCBI Build GRCh37/UCSC Build hg19 SOFTWARE: Pash SOFTWARE_VERSION: 3.0 MAXIMUM_ALIGNMENT_LENGTH: Read length MISMATCHES_ALLOWED: 10% of read length ALIGNMENTS_ALLOWED: 1 TREATMENT_OF_MULTIPLE_ALIGNMENTS: If a read maps to more than 1 position it is removed from consideration. TREATMENT_OF_IDENTICAL_ALIGNMENTS_OF_MULTIPLE_READS: If multiple reads map to the same start position on the + strand or stop position on the - strand, only a single read is retained. ALIGNMENT_POSTPROCESSING: None READ_EXTENSION: 200bp RELEASE_NUMBER: Human Epigenome Atlas 8 NUMBER_OF_MAPPED_READS: 11,868,204 NUMBER_OF_H3K4me3_EXPERIMENTS_SCORED_IN_THIS_RELEASE: 14 FINDPEAKS_SCORE: 0.3775 FINDPEAKS_PERCENTILE: 50 HOTSPOT_SCORE: 0.4289 HOTSPOT_PERCENTILE: 50 IROC_SCORE: 0.9999 IROC_PERCENTILE: 83 POISSON_SCORE: 0.3995 POISSON_PERCENTILE: 43 MAXIMUM_REPLICATE_CORRELATION: 0.97 |