Methylation Proportion Graphs of HUES45 Derived Embryoid Body Cultured Cells RRBS Data
Illumina RRBS read mappings from HUES45 Derived Embryoid Body Cultured Cells, Libraries RRBS788-789 were processed into graphs of methylation proportions. Methylation proportions were calculated as (methylated calls / (methylated calls + unmethylated calls)) for all CpGs covered by at least 4 reads.
Project News:
2011/3/22: ANALYSIS XML file 'bi.rrbs.level.2.release3.xml' uploaded
alias: RRBS788-RRBS789.hg19.level.2
Analysis Center: EDACC Analysis File Type: .wig Analysis File Name: BI.HUES45_Derived_Embryoid_Body_Cultured_Cells.RRBS.RRBS788-789.wig DATA_ANALYSIS_LEVEL: 2 EXPERIMENT_TYPE: Reduced Representation Bisulfite-Seq GENOME_ASSEMBLY: NCBI Build GRCh37/UCSC Build hg19 MspI restriction fragments 40-220bp SOFTWARE: In house programs and scripts SOFTWARE_VERSION: NA READ_EXTENSION: 0bp TREATMENT_OF_IDENTICAL_ALIGNMENTS_OF_MULTIPLE_READS: None GENOMIC_WINDOW: 2bp containing CpGs TREATMENT_OF_REGIONS_PRONE_TO_MULTIPLE_ALIGNMENTS: None RELEASE_NUMBER: Human Epigenome Atlas 3 BROWSER_TRACK_NAME: HU45DEB RRBS 88 BROWSER_TRACK_DESCRIPTION: BI HUES45 Derived Embryoid Body Cultured Cells RRBS Library RRBS788-789 EA Release 3 BISULFITE_CONVERSION_PERCENTAGE_BASED_ON_MAPPINGS: 99.33 |