Raw Signal Density Graphs of Chondrocytes from Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Cultured Cells Histone H3K9ac ChIP-Seq Data
Illumina Histone H3K9ac ChIP-Seq read mappings from Chondrocytes from Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Cultured Cells, Donor 59 were processed into density graphs of raw signal representing the aligned read density.
Project News:
2011/3/18: ANALYSIS XML file 'bi.chip-seq.level.2.release.3.xml' uploaded
alias: Lib:MC:20100729:05--ChIP:MC:20100726:05:chondrogenic dif cells:H3K9Ac.hg19.level.2.release.3
Analysis Center: EDACC Analysis File Type: .wig Analysis File Name: BI.Chondrocytes_from_Bone_Marrow_Derived_Mesenchymal_Stem_Cell_Cultured_Cells.H3K9ac.59.wig DATA_ANALYSIS_LEVEL: 2 EXPERIMENT_TYPE: ChIP-Seq GENOME_ASSEMBLY: NCBI Build GRCh37/UCSC Build hg19 SOFTWARE: In house programs and scripts SOFTWARE_VERSION: NA READ_EXTENSION: 200bp TREATMENT_OF_IDENTICAL_ALIGNMENTS_OF_MULTIPLE_READS: If multiple reads map to the same start position on the + strand or stop position on the - strand, only a single read is retained. GENOMIC_WINDOW: 20bp TREATMENT_OF_REGIONS_PRONE_TO_MULTIPLE_ALIGNMENTS: None RELEASE_NUMBER: Human Epigenome Atlas 3 BROWSER_TRACK_NAME: CfBMDMSC H3K9ac 59 BROWSER_TRACK_DESCRIPTION: BI Chondrocytes from Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Cultured Cells Histone H3K9ac Donor 59 Library Lib:MC:20100729:05--ChIP:MC:20100726:05:chondrogenic dif cells:H3K9Ac EA Release 3 NUMBER_OF_H3K9ac_EXPERIMENTS_SCORED_IN_THIS_RELEASE: 40 FINDPEAKS_SCORE: 0.2527 FINDPEAKS_PERCENTILE: 72 HOTSPOT_SCORE: 0.3063 HOTSPOT_PERCENTILE: 72 IROC_SCORE: 0.9944 IROC_PERCENTILE: 60 POISSON_SCORE: 0.3743 POISSON_PERCENTILE: 76 |