Methylation Proportion Graphs of Colonic Mucosa RRBS Data
Illumina RRBS read mappings from Colonic Mucosa, Donor 32 were processed into graphs of methylation proportions. Methylation proportions were calculated as (methylated calls / (methylated calls + unmethylated calls)) for all CpGs covered by at least 4 reads.
Project News:
2010/11/7: ANALYSIS XML file 'bi.rrbs.level.2.xml' uploaded
alias: RRBS824.hg19.level.2
Analysis Center: EDACC Analysis File Type: .wig Analysis File Name: BI.Colonic_Mucosa.RRBS.32.wig DATA_ANALYSIS_LEVEL: 2 EXPERIMENT_TYPE: Reduced Representation Bisulfite-Seq GENOME_ASSEMBLY: NCBI Build GRCh37/UCSC Build hg19 MspI restriction fragments 40-220bp SOFTWARE: In house programs and scripts SOFTWARE_VERSION: NA READ_EXTENSION: 0bp TREATMENT_OF_IDENTICAL_ALIGNMENTS_OF_MULTIPLE_READS: None GENOMIC_WINDOW: 2bp containing CpGs TREATMENT_OF_REGIONS_PRONE_TO_MULTIPLE_ALIGNMENTS: None RELEASE_NUMBER: Human Epigenome Atlas 2 BROWSER_TRACK_NAME: CM RRBS 32 BROWSER_TRACK_DESCRIPTION: BI Colonic Mucosa RRBS Donor 32 EA Release 2 BISULFITE_CONVERSION_PERCENTAGE_BASED_ON_MAPPINGS: 98.86 |