Colonic Mucosa
Primary colonic mucosal tissue obtained during surgery and confirmed by pathology examination to be healthy tissue
Project News:
2012/11/20: SAMPLE XML file 'BI.sample.G1828.2012-11-20.xml' uploaded
alias: 233
TAXON_ID: 9606 COLLECTION_METHOD: Surgery DONOR_HEALTH_STATUS: NL colonic mucosa, colon rmvd as part of abmnl Sarc MOLECULE: genomic DNA DISEASE: NL colonic mucosa, colon rmvd as part of abmnl Sarc TISSUE_TYPE: Colonic Mucosa DONOR_ETHNICITY: Caucasian DONOR_SEX: Female BIOMATERIAL_TYPE: Primary Tissue TISSUE_DEPOT: Colon DONOR_ID: 155 BIOMATERIAL_PROVIDER: MGH DONOR_AGE: 56.0 Years |