Supplementary Figure 3. chr3:199411732-139588218 chr3:179470567-199411732 chr3:159529393-179470566 chr3:139588219-159529392 chr3:99705871-119647044 chr3:79764697-99705870 chr3:59823523-79764696 chr3:39882349-59823522 chr3:19941175-39882348 chr3:1-19941174
Supplemental Figure 3. Ancient duplications mapped between chromosomes 3 and 17.
Colored boxes denote paralogous clusters of six or more genes by chromosome (from The cluster at position 25Mb to 45 Mb on chromosome 3 is shared with a cluster on chromosome 17 at 41 Mb to 46 Mb and includes the 3 nuclear receptors: thyroid hormone alpha (17) and beta (3), rev-erb alpha (17) and beta (3) and retinoic acid alpha (17) and beta (3). ( Chr 3 in the above image is linked to the Human Chr 3 annotation data deposited in Genboree. )